Thursday, July 12, 2012

Item And Facts On Drawing Contest!

HAI JAMMERZ! STALLY WALLY HERE! Sorry I didn't update earlier I was
helping my dad paint a room :-D. Anywayz, I still need
to help him finish it so I'm gonna make this quick. Ok! Take
a look! :-)

There's a new Fancy Candleabrum
in Jam Mart Furniture! It costs 400
gems and is for members only. This
probably (or should I say definitely),
doesn't really matter but I iz just wondering
why there are 5 candles. :-)

Next, some information on the Drawing Contest! :-)


Type of Contest: Drawing Contest
Prize: Pink Tophat

Here's the prize! :-)

For this contest, everyone can participate. It's a drawing contest!
You can make up your own drawing and send it to me. Here are the
ways you can show me it:

1. You can use your email to send me your picture. My email is

2. If you have a blog, you can draw your picture, post it on your blog, and say that that's the picture
you want to enter in the contest. Then, once you have posted the picture on your blog, comment on my blog and tell me to look at your blog to see the picture.

3. I don't think it works but maybe you can post the picture in a comment? I don't think they let you post pictures in comments though. Lolz. :-)

Here's an example of a drawing! You don't HAVE to do
something fancy at all. Just do ANYTHING that relates to AJ. :-)



  1. Hiya there, stallion1. You've probably never heard of me before,and this is the first post of yours ive read,but congrats on such a awesome blog!I really like the raining sweets!Bye for now!

    ~pippiflowergirl11 xx

  2. hi i know you get this a bunch but it would mean so much to me if you visited my blog i am a begginer so it will not be great but suggestion would be greatly appreiciated! please no hurtful comments!
