HAI JAMMERZ! STALLY WALLY HERE! Sorry it'z a late post I'm alwayz really busy
in the summer lolz. Ok so, I've got a couple new thingz for you
today. I'm inviting some mods to the Scoop and there are obviosuly
some new itemz. Ok, take a look! :-)
There are new Sandy Seashells in
Sunken Treasures for 400 gems! They
are for memberz only. Pretty cool. =D
There's a new Fridge at Jam Mart Furniture!
All it's called is a fridge xDz. It costs 500 gems
and is for members only. :P
There's a new Seaweed Boa at Bahari
Bargains! Fashionable, xDz! It'z like da
new THANG. Lolzzzzz. It costs 400 gems
and is for members only.
There's a new Kelp Tree at Sunken
Treasures! I think it's pretty nice...kinda
plain though lolz. It costs 450 gems and is
for members only.
Now, I have some new authors to invite to the Animal Jam Scoop! Below, I'm gonna list all the namez of the jammerz that I would like to join, you jammerz below, please join! Lolz. And if you wanna be an author on the Scoop, post a comment below saying you want to. Ok, here's the list! :-)
List: Ajrocks123, Livie and then a bunch of numbers I don't remember, ducier, Lehelter, Orcalver, Cottonball2, and bunnyman45608. Now, I'm gonna send you guyz invatations once you all tell me your e-mailz. Please accept and if you are gonna be a mod you gotta post a good amount each week and do a post introducing yourself. Ok, thankz guyz! :-)
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